Steve Thielen

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Missionary Profile: Steve Thielen

Introducing Steve Thielen, a member of the 2024 Mexico missions team from Stony Brook Church.

About Steve

Hello all, I'm Steve Thielen. I feel blessed to be a part of this mission.

After attending the January meeting, I felt I was to be a part of it. I'm going to Guadalajara to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to show love, caring and kindness plus to help people in a foreign land.

I truly believe that I was nudged into this mission by powers greater than myself. I pray that I can work as a team member to accomplish the goals that God has in store for us.

Tags: Profiles, Mexico, Missions
post author
Steve Riesenberg
About Me

My name is Steve Riesenberg, and I am on the Worship Team and Pastoral Team at Stony Brook. I also maintain the website and work in the open source community as a software engineer.