Scott Hembertt

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Missionary Profile: Scott Hembertt

Introducing Scott Hembertt, a member of the 2024 Mexico missions team from Stony Brook Church.

About Scott

The mission to Mexico will be the first for me. I came to faith in Christ as an adult, and this is the first time that an opportunity has come up that I am able to say yes to. As followers of Jesus, we are called to ‘go and make disciples’ and maybe some of my want is being obedient to this, but I think more importantly I feel so very blessed and thankful, that I really want to serve wherever HE would call me to serve. I am excited about getting to know the people on mission down there as well as spreading the love of Christ to everyone I meet. I pray that God uses our team in anyway he can All for His Glory!

Tags: Mexico, Missions, Profiles
post author
Steve Riesenberg
About Me

Steve Riesenberg is a member of Stony Brook Church.